Expect personal branding strategies, expert tips for small business owners, and step-by-step guides to help you build a powerful personal brand that gets you noticed and makes an impact.

Talyn Rahman-Figueroa

Personal Branding by the Fairy BOSSmother!

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Mastering Instagram for Financial Advisors

You're a business owner. You recently started an Instagram account and you think you know what you're doing up until you don't. This is a dilemma for so many solo entrepreneurs. You want to be visible, you want to show up, you want to show off your expertise, your credibility, and your authority in this niche that you have decided to work in. You don't actually know the perception that you're giving off, but by being present on social media. 

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The Ultimate Guide to a Business Brand Launch That Pays Off

Launching your brand? Wait before you share. Your brand’s infancy is a vulnerable phase. Silence is golden until you’re ready to show the world what you’ve built. A launch party isn’t just a celebration, it’s a strategic move. It’s a declaration of your presence, a stake in the ground saying, “This is mine.” And yet, so many solopreneurs skip the launch party and jump straight into sales and marketing. Your brand launch is just the beginning.

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How to Take Charge of Your Name

"What's your name? That is going to be the most basic branding question you will ever hear. So many of us, me included, have been beaten down by that stupid question because no one knows how to pronounce your name.

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Maximizing Your Business Growth with Effective Brand Strategy

Let’s talk about growing your business with brand strategy – not to be mixed up with your business plan. It’s the foundation, your business’s very soil and soul. And no, it’s not about your sales figures or demographic chops. It’s your story. The reason your business even exists. You’re not just selling something, you’re solving a specific problem. Your brand strategy is how you shout this from the rooftops and stand out in a crowded market.

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Unlocking the Power of Lead Products With Your Personal Brand

You need clients, of course you do! Without clients, our businesses will stop running and we will wonder why we ever left those dreaded 9-5! Attracting new clients is essential for growth. Well, let me show you the concept of lead products and how they hold the key to turning leads into valuable transactions. Because this is something I develop for ALL of my clients when you work with me as part of your rebrand!

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How to Become the Face of Your Business

Do you want to make more than a nine to five? Do you want to work less and sleep more? Do you want to live a life where you are actually doing other things? Where your life's energy is not going 100% into work and hustling and bustling and busting your joints over bringing money into your business? 

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The Solopreneur’s Guide to Wardrobe Branding

How you present yourself is so important. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lawyer, a chef, a plumber, or a painter. Personal branding is about you. It’s about putting you in front of your business so that you start to attract the right clients into your business who are less likely to waste your time and energy.

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Influencer Daily Feature: Revolutionizing Personal Branding

I’m excited to share that Influencer Daily recently featured me on as one of the hottest personal brand experts within the industry (thank you!). As a personal brand consultant, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of strategic branding for solopreneurs. Here are the key takeaways from my journey and approach.

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Should You Trademark Your Brand?

Let’s talk trademarking because this is a topic that gets brushed under the carpet a lot by entrepreneurs… up until they decide to rebrand and suddenly want to protect it. In my latest podcast episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Lorraine Galvis, a trademark and small business attorney from Galvis and Co. Spoiler alert: she dropped some serious knowledge! Let’s break it down.

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Building a Brand: Why Personal Branding Is Crucial for Solopreneurs in 2024

Personal branding isn't just a buzzword. It’s your entrepreneurial lifeline. As a solopreneur, all eyes are on you, and there’s no team to fall back on. Your brand is your silent spokesperson, communicating your essence before you even say hello. So why would you even procrastinate about building your personal brand that will follow you everywhere? Consider yourself the heart of your business. Why did you start? Because you believe you can do it better.

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How to Command More in Your Business With Your Personal Brand

As a solopreneur, it's common to feel hesitant about charging more in your business. However, mastering the art of commanding higher fees requires addressing essential aspects of your business. The first step towards this is establishing a strong brand messaging. 

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Avoid These Top Mistakes to Become a Premium Solopreneur Brand

If you want to be a premium brand in your business and attract premium clients into your brand, you have to stop making these four common mistakes that I'm about to share with you in my latest podcast episode. The minute you stop these things, you're going to see some changes in your business and how people actually show up in calls with you. They're not going to waste your time. They're going to take you seriously, and most importantly, they're going to pay more than what you could have ever charged. 

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Nail Your Business Identity with the Perfect Name Choice

If there’s one thing that gives your brand a pulse, it’s the name that proudly sits at the doorstep of your small business. Your business name is the first hello and the lasting impression. You’ve got a killer business idea. Now let’s make sure your business name isn’t just a footnote. And I’m here to tell you that your business shouldn’t sound like every Tom, Dick, or Harry's! Here are some things to consider when you’re thinking about rebranding with a new business name.

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Ditch Retainer Clients for More Control

Retainer clients might feel like a stable income stream but beware—they can do more harm than good. As a solopreneur, won't you rather have control over your business than be in a perpetual cycle of meeting the same expectations? In my latest podcast episode of the newly rebranded podcast, “The Fairy BOSSmother Show”, discover why retainer clients may not be the safe bet you think they are and how they can jeopardize your brand reputation.

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