Nail Your Business Identity with the Perfect Name Choice

If there’s one thing that gives your brand a pulse, it’s the name that proudly sits at the doorstep of your small business. Your business name is the first hello and the lasting impression. You’ve got a killer business idea. Now let’s make sure your business name isn’t just a footnote. And I’m here to tell you that your business shouldn’t sound like every Tom, Dick, or Harry's! Here are some things to consider when you’re thinking about rebranding with a new business name.

1. The Personality Behind the Name

Business names are like secret handshakes – they need to be unique and memorable. Remember, while an SEO-friendly name like “Restaurants Near Me” might bring in web traffic, it’s like naming your child “Baby.” It lacks personality and zest! Your business name should be a mirror that reflects the entrepreneur in you. It should make you proud to say it aloud and resonate with the hearts and minds of your target audience.

2. Intentionality Is Key

My own journey in coining 'Boss Diplomat' was a thoughtful one. Marrying my past as a diplomatic consultant with my present in nurturing small businesses, the name 'Boss Diplomat' was born. It shed light on my history in international relations and was in tune with my clientele. The aim? To craft a business name that carries weight and significance, with a touch of my own journey folded into its essence. It’s a name that is VERY hard to steal because who else do you know who worked in diplomacy and then became a personal brand consultant?

3. Make Google Your First Pit Stop

Run your potential business name through Google’s search engine and see what comes back. You’d want to avoid stepping on the toes of a “Five Star Insurance” doppelgänger (Plus, let's be honest, the name could use some work). Your smart sleuthing could save you from inadvertently boosting a competitor’s traffic. Brand differentiation is your true north!

4. Check Domain Availability

Virtual real estate is invaluable in our digital world. Head on over to domain search engines like Google Domains or and claim your stake in the world wide web. If your heart is set on a name already taken, consider an alternate ending like .net, .business, or .online. And remember, securing a domain isn’t just about going live on the internet. It’s an insurance policy against idea thieves.

5. Trademark and Collect

Trademarking is another beast, but claiming your domain name is a quick draw your holster. It’s affordable and could save you from the indescribable horror one of my clients faced – having her personal name tagged to a – ahem – porn website. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Your name is far too precious!

6. Rebranding with a New Name

Occasionally, a business might be in dire need of a name makeover. That’s where I come in, toting a list of carefully researched options tailored just for you, ensuring that no other business is parading around in your potential new moniker. These names not only get cleared for takeoff, but they also give you the feels. And even if your mom or sister doesn’t like the name you’ve chosen, graciously accept their two cents, but unless they’re your demographic, their pearls of wisdom might not be as golden as they appear.

7. Securing Your Brand’s Legacy

There’s no denying it – crafting the perfect business name is a tall order. But it’s also the foundation of the house that is your brand. Don’t go whispering your prospective names to everyone who’ll listen – business espionage is alive and well (trust me, I worked in diplomacy filled with espionage and secrets). Instead, work with a branding expert like Boss Diplomat, someone with a keen eye on your target audience, and not just the subjective tastes of friends and relatives.

8. Join Me for a Brandstorming Session!

Overwhelmed by the pressure of naming your brainchild? Take a breather. I am right here, ready to help you navigate these murky waters. Book a free 30-minute brand session with Talyn Rahman-Figueroa – your Fairy BOSSmother! I’ll dissect your current name, brainstorm possibilities and in the heat of rebranding, forge a name with the might to elevate your brand to legendary status.

Channel your inner brand warrior and let’s create a name that’s as dynamic and influential as you are. Your business deserves no less.

Personal branding in 100 days - Boss Diplomat personal brand consultant
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