Strategies to Make Clients Eager to Pay More

One of the things that I love to talk about is turning you into a premium brand, and that means charging more, working less, dropping that hustle culture, because no one wants to hustle, really. And you might be thinking, oh, you know what? I would love to charge more, but no one's gonna pay me that much. Instead of thinking about how to charge more for your clients, try this instead. Put yourself in your client shoes. If you're asking them for a lot, like I charge my clients $5k, $15k, $20,000 to work with me and build their personal brand, that's a lot at stake.

I want to share with you why clients might be hesitating in paying your high ticket price as a solopreneur and how to make that value crystal clear. Stay with me to the very end because I'm going to give you actionable tips on how you can help your clients understand your value so that they are waiting to say yes to wanting to work with you. In my latest podcast episode (#34) of “The Fairy BOSSmother Show”, I revealed some strategies on how to comfortably charge more when you become a premium brand. 

Here are 4 key takeaways you can expect from the latest podcast:

1. Understand Your Client’s Perspective: Before even thinking about upping your rates, it’s crucial to put yourself in your clients’ shoes. Imagine you’re asking them to invest $5,000, $15,000, or even $20,000 in your services. That’s a significant chunk of change, right? What are you showing them to prove you're worth this investment? Why should they trust you with their hard-earned money? The real goldmine in showcasing your value is through client testimonials and case studies. When happy clients sing your praises, it’s powerful social proof that you deliver results. Case studies offer concrete evidence that your methods work.

2. Translate Value Into Terms They Understand: Clients won't just take your word for it—you need to present compelling, understandable reasons. Start by translating your skills and benefits into outcomes they care about. For example, if you offer branding services, don't just talk about creating a logo. Explain how a well-crafted brand can increase their visibility, attract better clients, and ultimately, grow their revenue. It might take three months, six months, or even longer before you start seeing results, but don’t give up. Those who quit halfway are basically giving their clients away to the competition. Keep pushing, because persistence is what will set you apart from others.

3. Demonstrate Your Expertise: One of the ways to make your value crystal clear from the get-go is by positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your niche. But how do you achieve that? It’s not enough to claim you’re the expert—you need to show it. And another thing… Consistency is key, my friends. Choose a social media platform you enjoy and go deep. Whether you prefer Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, or YouTube, the goal is to stick to one and master it. You can cross-promote to other platforms, but pour the majority of your effort into one place to maintain a focused strategy.

4. Show, Don’t Just Tell: Your website should scream expertise. It needs to be super clear about the solutions you offer and who exactly you can help. And it’s not just about your website. Think social media, think every single place you market yourself. Your clients are looking for someone who understands their specific pain points and can offer a solution. Spell out your offerings in detail. For instance, instead of saying, "I can help you lose weight," specify, "I can help you lose 20 pounds in three months by revamping your diet and exercise routines."

Listen to the full episode now and start your journey towards building a premium brand:

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