Press Spotlight with the Nashville Voyager (yeehaa!)

I was recently featured in the Nashville Voyager, where I discussed my journey on how I started Boss Diplomat. This article wouldn’t have been possible without thanks to my amazing client, Mackenzie Morrow of Mackenzie Muscle who nominated me for the feature! 🏋️‍♀️ Thanks a million, Mackenzie, for bringing my story into the spotlight!


Here is a little preview of what I covered on this feature. 

Born and raised in London, my dream to become a diplomat was fueled by a desire to work in international affairs. Traveling to countries like Japan, Morocco, and the United States, I was on track to become a diplomat. But hey, life (and my conscious) had other plans! After a decade of rubbing shoulders with top diplomats and politicians, I backed my bags in 2019 to escape into what I describe as “the village” in the US, where I found my new purpose.  

The move to the United States was when I identified the potential to empower small businesses and entrepreneurs, leading to the establishment of Boss Diplomat. I noticed how there were so many small businesses in the US (very different from Britain) and  I wanted to find a way to help solopreneurs become their own Brand Ambassadors, an essential aspect in today’s highly competitive market. If I could do it for public figures, why not solopreneurs!

What is Boss Diplomat?

As I said in the article, “Boss Diplomat emerged from my background in diplomacy, where I recognized the significance of human connection and the impact of first impressions on establishing relationships.” I believe in making our clients more relatable and connected, enabling them to convey their story effectively to their target audience. Our goal is to help entrepreneurs stand out, attract clients who value their uniqueness, and create a brand so authentic that it makes competition irrelevant.

Meet Mackenzie Morrow, My Client and Personal Trainer

So a little about Mackenzie! We met in a referral club. She in South Carolina, and me in Massachusetts. We became instant friends and we both wanted to work with each other. In 2022, I decided to hire her as my personal trainer while I worked on her business brand. I wasn’t expecting much, not because she wasn’t amazing, but more because I was always physically active and rarely saw change shift the way I wanted to. I set myself a modest goal of losing 5 pounds, knowing how challenging weight loss had been for me (even though that was never an end goal for me). I wanted to set my journey with some cautious optimism. Mackenzie was awesome at guiding me through the intricacies of macros, teaching me how to measure food, read labels, and fuel myself with complete nutritional information. In a week, I met my goal! Like…wuuuut? Clearly, I had to do more with her and I did for 6 months.

My collaboration with Mackenzie Morrow of Mackenzie Muscle exemplifies the power of effective branding and collaboration. Mackenzie’s decision to rebrand her fitness company led to a mutually beneficial partnership. While assisting her with the business brand, she became my very own fitness guru, highlighting how personal and professional growth can complement each other. 

Our journey together, both in fitness and business, is a clear illustration of how personal branding can elevate an individual’s presence and business. Mackenzie, your mentorship and guidance have been invaluable. Our collaboration is a true representation of the profound impact that personal branding can have, not just in business but in all facets of life.

You can follow Mackenzie here:


Announcing the "Be Your Brand" YouTube Channel and Podcast!


Protecting your business brand against competitors